Pensions covenant advisory

Expert advice that keeps it simple

We specialise in giving clear and straightforward covenant advice for every situation.

Whether part of the regular valuation cycle or in response to a specific issue, we can review and assess your covenant and make a clear recommendation for the next steps. We have a wealth of situational experience and technical expertise, built up through working with clients of all sizes across a range of sectors.

We always aim to make things as simple as possible, and we can follow up any assessment with pragmatic, easy-to-understand advice to deal with its findings. We can even review and help act on assessments carried out by other advisers and will work with your actuaries and other advisers.

We also have a strong track record of negotiating with stakeholders including regulators on our clients’ behalf and finding solutions on which trustees and employers can agree.

This all adds up to an open, no-nonsense approach. Our clients clearly like it, regularly retaining us for follow-up work.


95% retention

Around 95% of our pensions advisory clients retain us for follow-up work.

Getting in touch

Gareth Morris

Gareth Morris

Gareth Morris

  • Partner
  • Restructuring Advisory
  • Bristol
Gemma Jones

Gemma Jones

Gemma Jones

  • Partner
  • Financial Advisory
  • Birmingham