Our offices
- Aberdeen
- Belfast
- Birmingham
- Bournemouth
- Brentwood
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Cambridge
- Cardiff
- Cyprus
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow
- Inverness
- Isle of Man
- Leeds
- Leigh-on-Sea
- London
- London West End
- Manchester
- Newcastle Centre
- Newcastle Gosforth
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Orpington
- Preston
- Reading
- Salisbury
- Sheffield
- Southampton
- Southampton (Hilton-Baird)
- St Albans
- Sunderland
- Teesside
- View all locations
Ashcroft House,
Ervington Court,
Harcourt Way,
Meridian Business Park,
Leicester, LE19 1WL
- Meet the team
How to find us
By car
The office has an onsite car park for client use.
By train
The closest train station is Narbourough.