Restructuring in the renewable energy sector: what does the future hold?
Thursday May 27, 2021
In a new publication, we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the renewable energy sector
The UK has set an ambitious target of achieving net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050.
Renewable energy will play a major part in decarbonising the UK economy, and there is significant investment available both from public and private sources to help drive the development, and implementation of new technologies.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted projects already in the works, and introduced uncertainty which is delaying funding decisions, it has also sharpened focus on the climate challenge at hand and the work that will need to be done to create more sustainable energy systems.
In our latest publication, Restructuring Advisory Partner, Jason Baker explores the current state of play for the UK’s renewable energy sector, and outlines the risks that businesses and funders will need to manage when developing new projects as the sector continues to grow.
Featuring key insights from Esther Kiddle, Partner at Thomlinson Kiddle Law, a specialist in waste and renewable energy.