Corporate governance

Overcoming challenges with creative solutions

Striking a balance between paying out dividends to shareholders and funding pension scheme obligations can be hard. With the Pension Regulator showing an increasing interest in the issue, it has the potential to cause tension between pension scheme trustees and the companies that sponsor a scheme. Navigating the delicate balance of stakeholders’ interests and obligations is a challenge our advisers are well-equipped to deal with.

For every stumbling block, there is a creative solution. At FRP, we encourage collaborative relationships between schemes and contributing parties. When there’s an open rapport, it’s possible to review past actions and put new mechanisms in place to minimise risk.

Regulations can be complex, but our specialist advisers are experts at explaining the details you need to know and making a clear recommendation. You can speak to us whenever you need clarity and foresight.

We’re undaunted by regulations. Our solutions pass scrutiny with confidence. Gareth Morris Pensions Advisory

Getting in touch

Gerald Smith

Gerald Smith

Gerald Smith

  • Consultant
  • Financial Advisory
  • Birmingham
Gareth Morris

Gareth Morris

Gareth Morris

  • Partner
  • Restructuring Advisory
  • Bristol
Gemma Jones

Gemma Jones

Gemma Jones

  • Partner
  • Financial Advisory
  • Birmingham