Meet Paul
Paul joined FRP Advisory in 2011 and is a licensed Insolvency Practitioner and Partner in the Restructuring Advisory department in our London office.
He leads the contentious insolvency team and works across all types of insolvency cases, many of which involve complex investigations to identify challengeable transactions or trace undisclosed assets. Paul’s cases frequently involve complex fraud or attempts to disguise, shelter or dissipate assets, necessitating well planned recovery strategies commonly involving detailed investigations, litigation and robust negotiations. Recent cases have made use of many types of enforcement and protective measures, including freezing injunctions and cross-border litigation and have resulted in successful recoveries for nil-asset estates, recoveries from offshore trust structures, claims for breach of duty and reversal of substantial antecedent property transactions.
Paul and the team often work closely with our forensic accounting and investigations and forensic technology teams on litigation and enforcement strategy.