Business interruption claims
Objective analysis of complex business interruption claims for a timely and cost efficient solution
Business interruption claims can be complex and often challenging to resolve. Calculating losses and reviewing evidence requires a sharp eye for detail, which is why working with our expert Forensic Services team can help you pursue and settle claims efficiently and rapidly.
At FRP, we advise business owners, insurers and professional advisers throughout the claims process. Using our broad commercial experience, we will provide our expert opinion and advise you in reaching a mutually agreeable outcome.
If your aim as a business owner is to protect your business and its financial position, we can quantify losses and help you collate the relevant supporting documentation to achieve the best possible result. A quick and efficient claim resolution, wherever achievable, is vital for businesses to avoid long-term financial damage or even insolvency. This is why we take a pragmatic approach when assisting in preparing and reviewing claims.
When supporting insurers, our experts thoroughly review the financial aspects of a claim and highlight gaps where more information or explanation is needed, or where there are instances of misapplication of the financial terms of the insurance policy.
Wherever you stand, we will give you a clear and objective view of the strengths and weaknesses of both the financials and the evidence, so you can take steps to protect your position.
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