Proactive problem solving in tough situations
The road to administration is one full of difficult decisions and important choices. One of those decisions is when to appoint an administrator and who it should be. FRP has the experience and expertise to help you navigate a period of substantial change.
Our reputation is built on finding a way forward from financial distress, whether that’s by finding a way to continue operating or winding a business up to preserve value for creditors. If returning to solvency isn’t a viable option, our restructuring team will find a clear strategy for selling its business and assets to a third party or shutting the business down.
We approach administration in the same way we do everything else: with a practical and goal-focused approach. We will present the options and give honest advice about them. And once a decision has been made, we have the expertise to make it happen.
Where there are conflicts, allegations of wrongdoing or hidden assets or any other disputes, the contentious insolvency team can provide specialist assistance.